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Accidents Caused By Dangerous Roads in Kansas City Missouri

Uncovering the Hazards of KC Roads: A Closer Look at the Causes of Accidents

Kansas City is a perfect city to live in, but there are also risky and dangerous roads that result in car accidents. In this article, you will find the list of the most dangerous roads in Kansas City and also learn some safety tips. If you have already suffered in a car accident, you can get help from our car accident lawyer. Uncover the hazards of Kansas City roads and get to the root of accidents causes. Learn more about current road conditions Kansas City, and discover how a traffic lawyer Kansas City Missouri deals with the accident cases that occur on roads in KC.

Most Dangerous Roadways & Intersections in Kansas City

There are more than 855 intersections in Kansas City. The Kansas City Public Works Department maintains and organizes the Kansas City traffic by looking after the influx of traffic at dangerous intersections and roadways. Keeping an eye out for the current road conditions in Kansas City can help you drive safely at these intersections. How dangerous is Kansas City due to its accident-prone intersections? The danger roads of Kansas City impose for the citizens is not unknown to the residents. According to a survey, roadways and intersections are one of the causes of fatal accidents in Kansas City.

The most dangerous roads and intersections in Kansas City are; 

  • Gregory & Bruce Watkins Drive
  • Gregory Blvd & US-71
  • Barry Road & N. Oak Trafficway
  • Westport & Broadway
  • I-435 & I-70
  • I-70 & Van Brunt
  • I-435 & Holmes
  • I-435 & Front St
  • Barry Road & Prairie View Drive
  • 63rd & Prospect
  • Emanuel Cleaver II & Bruce Watkins Drive

The Most Common Road Dangers and How to Avoid Resulting Accidents 

People do not know the Kansas City highways also have road defects that make them dangerous roads for driving without care. The most common traffic Kansas City, Missouri accidents are associated with the low maintenance of roads, negligence while driving, and the road conditions KCMO. Below are some of the most common road dangers and how you can avoid the accidents that can result from them.  

Road Defects

Kansas City traffic accidents occur due to road defects — potholes, cracking, deterioration of surface, rutting, etc. 

Road Obstacles

Busy highways often come with road obstacles that occur due to natural causes. Weather conditions, snow, floods, rain, stray animals, weeds, bushes, or vegetation are common obstacles that cause accidents on Kansas roads. Some road obstacles, like stray animals, make the roads in Kansas City scariest roads because the risk of damage is high in such accidents. 

Elements that create dangerous roads and highways

Sometimes, the design of a highway can have inherent defects that result in frequent accidents. It can be;

  • defects in the construction material used;
  • blind spots in the design;
  • wrong estimation of the slope or steepness of the curves 
  • maintenance errors — poor lighting, malfunctioning traffic lights, broken signal boards or warning boards, etc.

How to stay safe on the road in Kansas City? 

Nowadays, it is common to see headlines of Kansas City traffic accidents on the news on highways. The majority of such unfortunate accidents occur due to neglecting the safety measures on the road. The current Kansas City traffic indicates a significant increase in the number of owned vehicles by the citizens, and consequently, it increases the risk of traffic accidents on the roads. This article suggests some precautions below to stay safe from traffic accidents from the influx of current traffic in Kansas City.

  • Make sure you have the answer to the question “what is the road condition today” before you decide to make a long trip by road. Most traffic accidents occur due to weather conditions.
  • Bring necessary supplies with you  — extra clothing, emergency medical and food supplies, water, torch, match stick, etc. with you.
  • Never turn off the indicator lights while driving or taking a turn.
  • Follow traffic rules  — speed limits, drinking, reckless driving, drowsy driving, etc.

Compensation after a Dangerous Road Accident

If you have met a traffic accident that was not your fault, you can claim compensation for the injuries resulting from that accident. You should consult one or more accident lawyers to discuss the scope of the compensation you can claim. Usually, when a case is filed in personal injury court, the insurance company of the at-fault party (defendant) approaches you to try to reach a settlement for payment of damages. You will need an excellent personal accident attorney to help you negotiate with the insurance company that you deserve. However, if the company denies paying for the damages, you will have to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the defendant. An experienced accident attorney can help you understand which option is best for you  — a settlement with the insurance company or a lawsuit against the defendant.

You can claim compensation against,

  • Financial loses
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of wages for any temporary or permanent disability that resulted from an accident
  • Mental torture and agony
  • Psychological problems  — PTSD, depression, insomnia, fear of driving, etc.

Who is Responsible for a Dangerous Road Accident?

Is Kansas City dangerous to drive? The 7% annual increase in traffic accidents in Kansas City indicates that the answer to this question is affirmative. According to the highway conditions Kansas City is a safe city for drivers, but there are always some risks on intersections and roadways.

The culprits for dangerous road accidents are;

    • Citizens who neglect safety measures and traffic rules 
    • Extreme weather conditions 
    • Poorly maintained roads and highways 
    • Natural disasters like earthquakes and storms 
    • Other reasons

Bottom Line

Vehicle accidents in Kansas City result from highway defects, negligence of the drivers, extreme weather conditions, etc. These causes have soared the number of traffic accidents in Kansas City significantly. However, sometimes you can suffer a serious accident without fault. If you have met a traffic accident that was not your fault, you can turn to our Kansas City car accident lawyer to discuss the compensation you can claim for your personal injuries. You can claim physical, mental, financial, and psychological damages for the injuries sustained from a traffic accident.


Jason Royce Allen
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