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Need a Kansas City Taxi Accident Attorney? We’re Here to Help!

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Taxis are one of the most common & comfortable sources of commute in big cities due to their huge quantum. This may also result in traffic congestion leading to a higher number of accidents on the road which may cause minor and major injuries for which the injured may be entitled to receive compensation. 

Need a taxi cab accident attorney in Kansas City? Our experienced lawyers can help you get compensation after a taxi crash. 

Expert Legal Support for Taxi Accident Victims in Kansas City

Road accident injury claims can be a tricky matter to handle on your own without any professional help due to the legal complexities & procedural requirements. An expert attorney is fully equipped to assess an injury claim for an accurate and fair assessment of compensation & assist the injured in filing the claim promptly & efficiently. Our expert taxi cab accident lawyers possess extensive experience in handling all types of road accident injury claims & are available to provide you with a detailed & personalized assessment of your injury claim.

Common Causes of Taxi Accidents in Kansas City, Missouri

The main causes of taxi accidents are distracted driving, overspeeding, traffic congestion, driver’s fatigue & weather conditions. Additionally, inexperienced or intoxicated drivers also contribute to higher numbers of road accidents. In 2023, 137 fatalities occurred in motor vehicle accidents whereas 100+ fatalities were caused by distracted driving.

Sudden expansion in ride-sharing services has also significantly impacted the frequency of taxi driver accidents. Click here for details on Lyft accidents. Uber accident injury compensation is discussed here

Injuries Resulting from Taxi Accidents

Taxi accidents result in a wide variety of minor & major accidents depending on severity. Common injuries include whiplash, bone fractures, muscle trauma, spinal cord injuries & emotional issues, e.g., PTSD, stress, etc. Certain chronic injuries have long-term effects and limitations, leading to a significant negative impact on the lifestyle of the injured person. If you were involved in a taxi accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation depending on the nature & severity of your injury.

Determining Liability in Taxi Accidents

Liability determination is a critical & complex matter in injury claims and requires a thorough understanding of applicable laws & access to all relevant documents and information for accurate determination of liability. Driver’s negligence, vehicle condition & compliance with traffic laws are the key elements that may be taken into consideration. In certain cases, taxi companies may also be liable. An expert taxi car accident lawyer may be consulted for claim assessment.

Compensation Available in Taxi Accident Cases

The injured party may be compensated for injuries sustained, medical expenses, lost wages, psychological suffering & extensive treatment expenses in case of chronic injuries. A general estimate of compensation against each injury is as follows:


Average Compensation Value

Whiplash/bone fracture

$50,000 – $100,000

Spinal Cord Injury

$100,000 – $200,000

Multiple fractures


 However, each claim may be assessed by an expert taxi cab accident attorney for accurate determination of compensation value.

Steps to Take After a Taxi Accident

Why You Need Legal Representation After a Taxi Accident

Legal representation for taxi accidents may prove helpful in the assessment of claims & accurate estimate of compensation value that may be claimed from the liable parties. Expert injury attorneys also assist in procedural accuracy in claim filing. Identification of relevant support documents & official correspondence with liable parties for settlement purposes also proves more effective if conducted by injury attorneys.

Contact a Kansas City Taxi Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

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Kansas City Taxi Accident Lawyer

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    If you are a citizen of Kansas City, you can still file a claim even if you are partially at fault for the accident. Missouri is a no-fault state.
    Taxi accident injury claim may be filed within 2 years from the date of the incident.
    If the taxi driver was uninsured or underinsured then the remaining compensation amount may be recovered through the personal insurance of the injured party or the liability of the taxi company may be analyzed for compensation.