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Recognizing Critical Signs of Internal Bleeding After Car Accident in Kansas City

Internal Bleeding From Car Accident in Kansas City


Car accidents are a common cause of injuries, and internal bleeding is one of the most severe injuries that can occur after a collision. Internal bleeding from a car accident can be life-threatening, and it is important to recognize the signs of internal bleeding after car accident. Even if the external injuries may appear minor, internal bleeding can occur and cause serious damage. This raises the question: can a car accident cause internal bleeding? The answer is yes, and it is essential to understand the symptoms and signs of internal bleeding after a car accident. Common internal bleeding after car accident can occur in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. It is crucial to know how to check for internal bleeding after an accident and seek medical attention immediately if any signs or symptoms of internal bleeding are present. In this article, we will explore the signs of internal bleeding after a car accident and what to do if you suspect internal bleeding.

If you have been in an internal bleeding car accident, our personal injury lawyer can help. Get the information you need now to get justice and compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Being Hit by a Car Can Cause Internal Bleeding

In a car accident, the chances of internal bleeding are profound because the crash force is significant even if the car’s speed is low. Internal bleeding can happen by:

  • Blunt Force Trauma: When a person meets an accident, the force of the crash throws them into the air, and gravity hits them to the ground. This can result in organ or tissue rapture and lead to internal bleeding.
  • Bone fracture: Breaking of bones can puncture a hole through the blood vessels or can impale the organ, causing immense internal bleeding.
  • Change in direction: When a fast-moving car comes to an abrupt halt, the force is so paramount to cause tears and raptures in the organs and tissues because the body of the person is moving forward at a high speed in those few seconds of a car coming to an abrupt halt. 
  • Other medical conditions: The personal medical condition of the passengers also contributes to internal bleeding. Tightness, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc can also land them in crashes that may result in internal bleeding. 

It is important to run proper healthcare diagnoses after an accident to check for internal bleeding (if any). 

Common Internal Injuries After a Car Accident

Can you get internal bleeding from a car accident? Of course, the injuries can vary from mild raptures to life-threatening internal bleeding cases. For this reason, it is crucial to seek proper medical checkups after an accident to ensure that there are no internal injuries that may cause complications in the future. Some of the most commonly observed internal injuries in a car accident are:

  • Damage to the organ(s)
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Damage to the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and head 
  • Traumatic injuries to the brain (TBIs)
  • Blood clots/bloats 
  • Vein damage
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Broken ribs
  • Damage to the heart
  • Other injuries 

What Are the Signs of Internal Bleeding?

How can car accident cause internal bleeding? Recognizing the signs of internal bleeding is vital because most internal injuries are life-threatening. By seeking proper medical evaluation, you can save yourself from death by internal bleeding. However, some common signs can be an indication of internal bleeding, and they must not be neglected. Some of those signs are:

  • Swelling or pain in the abdomen: Any kind of swelling of the abdominal area or otherwise can indicate internal injury. 
  • Tightness of chest or pain: Internal bleeding in the lungs or heart can cause sharp tightness in the chest or severe pain. 
  • Dizziness: Fainting or dizziness is an indication of internal bleeding. However, the severity may depend on the impact of the crash or the kind of internal bleeding. 
  • Bruises: Blue or purple marks on the skin are a classic sign of a vessel rapture. 
  • Blood from mouth, urine, or stool: Internal bleeding can also be recognized by blood through the mouth, in the urine, or in the stool. 
  • Headaches: Unexplained headaches after an accident can be a sign of internal injuries in the head.
  • High heartbeat: When there is internal bleeding, the body fights hard to compensate for blood loss, and it results in a rapid heartbeat. 

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical help right away. Ignoring internal bleeding can cause serious problems or even death. It’s crucial to take any internal bleeding symptoms seriously and get immediate medical attention to avoid harmful outcomes.

Steps to Take if You Suspect Internal Bleeding

If you suspect that you are experiencing internal bleeding, it’s crucial to take quick action. Here are a number of measures that can be implemented to address the situation:

  1. Contact emergency medical services: Dial the emergency number in your area and provide a detailed description of your symptoms and situation.
  2. Avoid consuming food or drinks: It’s best to abstain from consuming any food or drinks until medical help arrives.
  3. Lie down calmly: Remain calm and lie down to prevent aggravating your condition further.
  4. Keep track of your symptoms: Monitor your symptoms and communicate any changes to the medical responders.
  5. Do not take painkillers: Avoid taking any pain medication, including aspirin or ibuprofen, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.
  6. Follow the medical responders’ instructions: Cooperate with the medical staff and try your best to adhere to their instructions to ensure you receive the best possible care.

To conclude, car accidents can cause severe injuries, and internal bleeding is a critical concern. It’s crucial to know the signs of internal bleeding after a car accident, even if external injuries appear minor. Seeking medical help promptly is necessary if you suspect internal bleeding. Recognizing the symptoms and taking prompt action can prevent severe complications or even loss of life. If you have suffered an internal injury in a car accident, consult an experienced injury lawyer to get the legal help you immediately need. 

Jason Royce Allen

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