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Navigating Pedestrian Safety Laws: Tips for Walkers & Drivers

Navigating Pedestrian Safety Laws


If you are a pedestrian, you must be familiar with the pedestrian safety rules to ensure your walking safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the USA, more than 8,000 pedestrian deaths occurred in 2021 in pedestrian walking areas. Whether you are walking or driving, safety comes first! If you are a pedestrian, get acquainted with key road safety rules and effective tips for pedestrian safety with our latest article. 

Tips for Pedestrians

Road safety for pedestrians is essential. When crossing the road you should keep these tips for pedestrian safety to keep in mind.

  • When Available, Opt for Sidewalks:  If there are sidewalks, always use them. Most pedestrian accidents happen due to pedestrians’ negligence in using sidewalks and not following the sidewalk rules for pedestrians’ safety.
  • Keep Your Awareness Up: Being mindful of where you are going is the foremost sidewalk safety tip. Most pedestrians meet accidents because they don’t maintain a conscious awareness of their surroundings while walking. The use of distracting items like smartphones or earplugs causes accidents on sidewalks.
  • Wear Visible Clothes: The use of bright colors by pedestrians enhances the visibility of the drivers. Wearing bright and reflective color clothes as opposed to dark and light absorbent colors reduces the risk of not being visible to the drivers. Carrying and using a flashlight at night is also essential for road safety for pedestrians. 
  • Always Lock Eyes with Drivers While Crossing: As a rule of thumb, always lock eyes with drivers when crossing. If you are not sure that the driver has seen you, do not cross the road. Only cross it if you are 100% sure the driver has seen you. You can ensure that by raising your hand or waving at the driver to show the driver you intend to cross the road, and they slow down the car. 
  • Stay Alert Around Parked Cars: Ultimately, you are as safe as a pedestrian as you try to be. Staying alert around parked cars keeps you safe because the driver may or may not see you, but you can see the drivers, so take responsibility for your own safety instead of relying on the drivers of the parked cars. 
  • Walking? Your Phone Can Wait: One of the major causes of pedestrian accidents is that people are distracted by their phones while walking on sidewalks. Never look down at your phone when crossing or walking on crosswalks. Try to train yourself in the habit of using your phone as little as possible while walking on sidewalks, and always assume street crossing safety practices.
  • Scan Left, Then Right Before Stepping Out: Always look left and right before stepping out on the crosswalk or while crossing the road. 
  • Alcohol and Walking Don’t Mix: Intoxication impairs the sense of judgment even in normal circumstances. If you are drunk, never walk yourself to your intended destination if there is someone to drop you off. 

Pedestrian Safety Laws

Tips for Drivers

The statistics given by the National Safety Council for pedestrian deaths in non-traffic accidents show that there has been a rise in pedestrian risk on sidewalks and crossroads. It is, therefore, crucial to observe safety tips. Just as there are pedestrian safety tips, there are some basic, however essential, tips for drivers to avoid pedestrian endangerment in pedestrian safety areas and save them from potential pedestrian accidents. 

  • Remain Alert in High Foot Traffic Areas: Maintaining vigilance and attentiveness in crowded areas is the best strategy for you as a driver to avoid potential harm to pedestrians. 
  • Crosswalk Etiquette: Pedestrians Come First: Some drivers are always a hassle to drive through a crosswalk as soon as possible before the pedestrians get a chance to walk. This action always increases the risk of an accident because of the driver’s speeding. 
  • Never Bypass a Car Stopped at a Crosswalk: Similarly, drivers often try to bypass a standing car at a crosswalk. This action also puts pedestrians at risk of an accident because the driver of the stopped car may not be able to see the pedestrians due to your bypassing. 
  • Don’t Surpass Stopped Buses: Buses are often stopped near crosswalks to pick up or drop people. The area in front or the back of a stopped bus is usually also an area where you do not need to speed up. Wait for the bus to depart and never try to surpass it because the chances of low pedestrian visibility are high. 
  • Stay Speed-Aware: If you are driving in the city, in crowded areas, or during rush hour, always be aware of the car’s speed. Don’t exceed the allowed speed limit, especially near or around sidewalks and crosswalks.
  • Stay Sober Behind the Wheel: Driving under the influence (DUI) and drowsy driving are prohibited in all States of the US, but this caution increases tenfold when it comes to pedestrian safety. If you are not sober enough to drive, don’t risk your and the lives of pedestrians. 
  • Keep Your Focus: Ditch Distractions: Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents in the USA. Trying to do multitasking while driving is the culprit here. Make sure you are not using a phone, watching something on screen, or doing anything else that might take your eyes off the road. 


An average of 8,984 pedestrians lost their lives in non-traffic-related accidents in 2021 alone, and it shows a dire need to adhere to the walking safety tips that are in place for pedestrians. Drivers are also encouraged to incorporate safety tips in their driving habits to avoid pedestrian endangerment and reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents on roads, sidewalks, and crosswalks. If you have been in a pedestrian accident, do not wait up and utilize the free consultation with our pedestrian accident attorneys at Royce Injury to understand your legal options better and claim the damages you deserve! 

Jason Royce Allen
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