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Railroad Crossing Accident Statistics: In-Depth Analysis

Car Train Collision


A railroad may pose a serious hazard to the public by causing accidents to pedestrians and vehicles if not utilized properly. It’s important to understand and remain informed of the possible causes of accidents to avoid injury to any person or property. Railroad accidents may mainly be caused due to machinery malfunction, human error, negligence of parties involved, and infrastructural issues. Additionally, it is important to have a working knowledge and understanding of the legal implications related to train accidents to effectively handle the after-effects of any such accidents and aid the people affected by them. Uncover essential insights and statistics on railroad crossing accidents and who is at fault when a train hits a car. Essential for understanding legal and safety implications.

Key Factors Leading to Railroad Accidents

Key elements of a car train accident are as follows:

  • Equipment or machine malfunction
  • Failure to comply with safety and security protocols
  • Human error
  • Weather conditions
  • Negligence in track maintenance
  • Non-compliance with rules & regulations

These are the key factors that play a vital and direct role in causing a railroad accident. However, such accidents may easily be avoided by regular equipment & track maintenance, keeping staff and weather conditions in check, and complying with relevant rules and regulations. Having an in-depth knowledge of these factors also enables us to implement effective counter-accident procedures and take helpful measures wherever needed. 

Typical Railroad Accidents in Kansas City

According to the National Safety Council, approximately 954 deaths occurred in 2022 due to collisions with trains. Statistics show that approximately 39 accidents occurred in Kansas City in the year 2022, causing 5 deaths and injuring 14 people. Additionally, these accidents also caused serious property damage. These accidents are mainly caused by two or three factors combined which may often result in exponential and significant damage to both the person and property involved in such accidents. Statistically, pedestrians and unauthorized vehicles entering restricted areas are more likely to contribute significantly to unexpected scenarios leading to railroad accidents. Unsecure train tracks and lack of proper signage are other significant causes of an increase in railroad crossing accidents.

Collision Versus Non-Collision Train Incidents 

Collision Incidents: A train accident caused by direct impact with another body or structure, such as a vehicle or infrastructure, is known as a collision incident. Such accidents may cause higher damage to the persons and property involved due to direct collisions. 

Non-collision Incidents: Such incidents are caused due to malfunctions in machinery or equipment and are typically less damaging. A non-collision accident may be caused by derailment of the train from tracks or failure to conduct proper and timely maintenance of the trains as per requirement.  

The Devastating Impact of Railroad Accidents

A train car accident has a devastating impact on its surroundings due to its immense size and speed. A fast-moving train may damage everything in its path upon collision due to momentum built by its speed. Trains are frequently used for the transportation of various commodities, including potentially hazardous and environment-risky materials, which may expand the magnitude of damage by collision. A derailment of an oil rail wagon may significantly raise the chances of fire caused due to speed and friction by collision resulting in a catastrophic scenario and damaging everything and everyone in its path. 

Injuries and Trauma from Train Accidents

  • Physical injuries: These injuries include fractures, burns, muscle tissue damage, spinal cord injury, amputations, etc. Such injuries may vary in nature and severity. Typically, a fracture or low-level burn may heal with proper treatment and time, but a spinal cord injury may leave the victim paralyzed for life, contributing to psychological injuries.
  • Psychological injuries: PTSD, panic attacks, and anxiety are some common psychological injuries suffered by a person involved in a railroad accident. Such injuries are directly linked to physical injuries and may worsen without proper treatment. 

Determining Fault in Train Accidents 

Determining fault in a car train crash is legally very challenging because sometimes the exact factors that have contributed to the collision are not very easy to pinpoint. External factors such as weather conditions also highly contribute to such accidents.  In the event of an accident, the victim can bring a compensation claim against the companies and governmental agencies that are manufacturing, maintaining, and operating the railroads. 

Compensation for Train Accident Victims 

What percentage of railroad crossing crashes result in compensation claims depends on the factors of the accident. The victims of a train accident can claim financial as well as non-financial damages for the collision. These may include medical, property, and wage loss damages, as well as the damages for mental torture and agony. In an unfortunate event when you have lost a loved one to an accident, you can claim compensation for their death and the financial as well as emotional trauma this has caused you. 

The Role of Legal Assistance in Train Accidents 

Car train collision accidents are difficult to navigate without legal assistance. An injury attorney not only helps you in calculating the compensation amount but also provides assistance to negotiate with the relevant parties, identify the liable operators and agencies, reach out to the relevant departments of police to gather and organize evidence, etc. An expert injury lawyer also drafts the legal documents to push your case forward and takes all the steps necessary as your case progresses by providing you with the legal representation you deserve. Suing governmental agencies is especially difficult as the agencies tend to engage the victims in fault loopholes to avoid liability or reduce the compensation amount they owe the victim or their loved ones because of the accident.


In a nutshell, train accidents can have a devastating impact on both the victims and collateral. It is crucial to understand how liability is determined in such accidents, and this is where the role of effective legal assistance comes into play. At Royce Injury, we have experienced teams who can give you excellent legal representation against the parties in a train crash to help you win the damages you have sustained! 

Jason Royce Allen
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