Teenage drivers are the newbies at learning how to drive responsibly. Their inexperience and yet-to-be-polished skills are one of the prime reasons teens car accidents can happen on the road. The legal complications in terms of liability of teenager car accidents are also daunting, especially if you have a loved one who has experienced injuries by an underage driver. Our expert car accident attorneys at Royce Injury are here to help! They are here to answer questions about whether can you sue a minor for a car accident. Delve into our comprehensive guide on teenage accidents in Kansas City, MO, exploring causes, injuries, and legal considerations.
Core Causes of Teen-Related Accident Prevention
Teen driving statistics show that the majority of teenage crashes occur due to inexperience and lack of matured skills of the teenage drivers. However, there may be some contributing factors and core causes that result in teenage accidents. Some of them are as follows:
- Distracted driving: Driving while on the phone, watching something on your car screen, eating, drinking, or trying to multitask while also driving puts teenage drivers at risk of a crash. Compared to mature drivers, they can easily panic and take the wrong steps in an attempt to mitigate the accident. Not incorporating preventive measures such as seat belts has contributed to 56% of teenage accidents in the USA in 2021.
- Drowsy driving: Sleep deprivation is another suspect of teen-related car accidents that cause drowsy driving and result in crashes. 44% of drowsy driving deaths involved car accident deaths under 18 in 2020 in the USA.
- Driving under the Influence: Alcohol and other intoxications for the teenage driver’s mind coupled with their inexperience, may lead to fatal accidents that can harm them as well as other people on the road.
- Other conditions: Mechanical issues in the car, bad weather, poorly maintained roads, stray animals on the road, etc, are some other conditions that may contribute to a no-fault teenage accident.
Typical Injuries Resulting from Teen Car Accidents
Statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding teenage driving accidents show that more than 2,800 teen drivers died in teen accidents in 2021. The statistics of teenage driving accidents also show that the number of injured teenagers exceeds the number of teenage deaths in car accidents. Following most common types of injuries observed in teen car accidents
- Spinal cord injuries
- Whiplash
- Muscle spasm
- Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)
- Bone fracture
- Temporary disability
- Scars or lacerations
- Tissues or nerve damage
- Damage to the windpipe or pulmonary organs
- Head injuries
What to Do After an Accident with Teen Drivers in Kansas, MO
In Kansas City, MO, if you or your family member (s) have suffered a teen accident, the best way forward is to consult an expert injury attorney as soon as possible. Teens accidents can be complex due to the issue of establishing liability owing to their underage status. Often, the teen is also a victim of the accident caused by their fault. In that case, the extent of the teenager’s negligence in observing preventive measures is considered to determine the degree of liability and who is going to pay the damages. It is crucial to discuss such matters with an experienced accident attorney to understand the best way forward for you.
What Damages Are Possible to Recover in a Teenage Car Accident?
Like any other injury claim, if you are not responsible for the accident you can claim compensation for both financial as well as non-financial damages caused by a teenage accident. However, if you also have contributory negligence that escalated the accident, you will get compensation after deducting the amount due to you to the extent of your fault.
Generally, you can claim medical expenses, lost income, psychological inconveniences, etc as damages.
- Medical expenses include medicine bills, treatment expenses, doctor’s fees, and any follow-up medical expenses that may show up later.
- Lost income and compensation if the earning capacity is reduced or affected.
- Mental agony and torture
- Value of any kind of property damage in the accident
- Any other compensation that the injury court may consider appropriate
What Makes Teen Driving Accident Cases Complex?
Teenage driving accident cases are complex because establishing the extent of negligence is not always easy. If you have suffered an accident as a teenager, as a victim party you can take grounds of inexperience, negligence, and other contributory factors that are generally associated with teenage driving risks. However, if you are a teenager who has suffered an accident that was not your fault, the opposite party often tends to blame your inexperience. Either way, the issue of establishing the degree of liability is complicated, and only an experienced lawyer can aid you in both kinds of situations.
The insurance companies of the at-fault party often tend to put maximum blame on the contributory negligence of the opposite party in teenage accidents, and they offer less favorable compensation offers than what you deserve. Having an experienced teenage accident attorney by your side comes in handy at this challenging time. They can effectively negotiate your interests with the insurance company to make sure you don’t get anything less than what you deserve in compensation. They also help you file an injury claim and estimate the total amount of damages you should be claiming. A layman cannot factor in each kind of damage that should be reasonably claimed, and that’s where the expertise of an experienced teenage injury attorney comes in!
Teenage accidents can be daunting if you have no prior experience in court matters. Getting immediate medical as well as legal help is necessary if you have been in a teen accident that wasn’t your fault. Having an experienced teenage accident attorney by your side can make a huge difference – whether it is about negotiations with the insurance company or filing an injury lawsuit in court. Don’t wait! Benefit from a free initial consultation with one of your teenage accident attorneys at Royce Injury today!
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