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Kansas City Head-On Collision Attorney

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Understanding Head-On Collisions

Vehicle collision plays a major role in the determination of the level of severity of an accident. A vehicle moving at a high speed often leads to catastrophic accidents, leading to extreme physical and psychological injuries, having long-term impacts on the health and lifestyle of the injured person. Similar to any other vehicle-related accident, a head-on collision accident may cause severe injuries, having higher chances of leading to disability or, in extreme cases, may prove fatal to the parties involved.

Injured in a head-on car accident? Get expert legal help to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact Royce Injury Attorneys for a free consultation today. Our expert car accident attorneys are readily available to assist you in claim assessment and efficiently support you in court procedures for timely award.

Common Causes Of Head-On Collision Car Accidents

A head-on car crash is mainly caused by the following factors:

  1. Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances significantly increases the chances of a head-on collision accident due to impaired senses.
  2. Negligent driving i.e. using a cell phone while driving at high speed, failing to comply with traffic rules, or driving without having adequate training may also cause a head-on collision accident.
  3. Overspeeding also contributes to increased chances of a head on crash.
  4. Both physical and psychological fatigue may lead to distracted driving, resulting in a head on collision.
  5. Drivers engaged in improper overtaking may suffer collisions with incoming traffic.
  6. Slippery or uneven roads may also lead to losing control of the vehicle, leading to collision accidents.

Statistics on Head-On Collisions in Kansas City

The traffic situation in Kansas City is heavier as compared to other cities in Missouri. Therefore, head on car collisions may also occur frequently due to traffic congestion or distracted driving. Statistics indicate that head-on collisions contribute to approximately 9-10% of annual vehicle-related accidents. Such accidents may vary in level of severity and injuries caused. Since Missouri is an at-fault state, i.e., the party responsible for causing the accident will be required to cover the resulting expenses or damages suffered by the injured party. Therefore, Missouri laws require drivers to have proper insurance coverage to cover the damages or expenses caused by head on collision injuries.

Who Is At Fault in a Head-On Car Crash?

Liability in a head-on car crash may be determined by technically and legally assessing the collision and parties involved in such collision. Generally, the driver who illegally crosses over to the oncoming traffic lane is responsible for the crash. However, the following parties may also be liable for head-on collision accidents.

  1. Vehicle manufacturers may be responsible for technical failure in vehicles leading to accidental cross-over in oncoming lanes, resulting in head-on collision injuries.
  2. Slippery roads due to weather conditions or poorly maintained roads may also significantly contribute to collision accidents.
  3. The employer may be held liable for the accident in cases where the at-fault driver is on duty at the time of the accident.

What to Do Right Away After a Head-On Collision?

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Potential Compensation for Injuries from a Head-On Car Accidents

A person injured in a head-on collision accident may suffer exponential and severe physical and psychological injuries such as head and neck injuries, bone fractures, and spinal cord injury, leading to temporary or permanent disability, chronic pains, memory loss, anxiety, depression & PTSD. In extreme cases, a head-on collision may prove fatal. A head on car accident lawyer may be consulted for determination of estimated compensation value.

Generally, compensation ranges as follows:

Type of Injury Expense/Damage

Average Compensation Value

Medical expenses

$5,000 – $400,000+

Loss of wages

$1,000 – $150,000+

Property loss

$500- $50,000+ 


$5,000,000 – $10,000,000+

Why Hire a Head-On Collisions Attorney?

It is recommended that an expert injury claim lawyer be consulted for the assessment of injury claims since each accident occurs under different circumstances and may lead to injuries of different natures. Therefore, an expert head on collision attorney may be contacted for evaluation of proper compensation depending on circumstances leading to accident and injury.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Head-on collision accident may lead to exponential damage due to sudden and high collision impact, which may often lead to fatality.
    Immediately contact emergency services, secure the accident site & report the incident for proper investigation.
    Generally, the driver crossing over into the oncoming lane is at-fault.
    You can generally receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, loss of property & fatality, or disability.
    A claim may be filed within 01 to 02 years from the date of the accident.
    Documents containing details of circumstances leading to accident e.g. reports & assessments, witness statements & medical records may be compiled.
    An expert head on car crash lawyer is equipped with relevant expertise to assist you in proper claim assessment and timely execution of procedural requirements for claim award as well as settlement negotiation, if required.