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Injured in a Limo Accident in Kansas City? Contact Limousine Accident Lawyers

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Expert Legal Support for Kansas City Limousine Accidents

Navigating the complexities of limo crashes can be daunting, but at Royce Injury, we specialize in handling exactly that kind of challenge! From establishing the liability of several parties to regulatory compliance to the commercial laws related to the accident, we’re here to help you on each step. 

Looking for a skilled limo accident lawyer? Get top-notch legal support for your limousine accident in Kansas City, and let us fight for your rights.

Common Causes of Limousine Accidents

We’ll look into the most common causes of limo car crashes. 

  • Driver’s Negligence: Inexperienced drivers, drivers with DUI, drowsy driving, reckless driving, violation of traffic rules, etc are just some common instances of driver’s negligence that result in such accidents.
  • Vehicle Malfunction: Brake failure, internal malfunction, design defects, and lack of proper and timely maintenance contribute to limo collision.
  • Road Conditions: Roads with pits, potholes, bumps, rough patches, etc also cause the vehicle to lose balance and crash or rollover.

Typical Injuries in Limousine Accidents

Limo car accidents often result in mild to severe injuries. Mild injuries include bruises, sprains, muscle swelling, tendon swelling, minor fractures, whiplash, etc. Severe injuries include Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), damage to the spinal disks or spinal cord, delayed internal bleeding, organ injuries, temporary or permanent disability, or, in some cases, death.

Liability in Limousine Accidents

Four major parties can be liable for limousine car accidents — limo drivers, limo renting companies, limo manufacturers, and limo maintenance companies. 

  • Limo Drivers: For any accident resulting from the negligence of the driver, i.e., drunk driving, reckless and distracted driving, violating traffic rules and regulations, the driver can be held liable. 
  • Limo Renting Companies: Companies renting out limousines must comply with the laws of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which includes commercial regulations and a guide on hour-of-service regulations for limos. Companies failing to do so can be held liable in the event of an accident.
  • Limo Maintenance Companies: Maintenance companies that failed to identify, mitigate, or warn about a defect in the limo that led to an accident can also be held liable for damages as a defendant. 
  • Limo Manufacturers: Manufacturers must adhere to safety and manufacturing regulations and run safety checks before making the vehicle available for purchase. Otherwise, they will be a liable party if an accident happens due to a manufacturing defect.

Compensation for Limousine Accident Victims

Victims can claim compensation for medical expenses, wage loss, pain & agony.

Case Instance

Compensation Amount

Driver’s negligence (DUI case)

$ 6.1 Million

Negligence of Limo Maintenance Companies Case

$ 2.25 Million

Negligence of Limo Company (medical bills, wage loss, and pain & suffering compensation case)

$ 1.2 Million 

Limo Manufacturers’ Mistake Case

$ 7 Million

What To Do After Limousine Accident

Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer for Limousine Accidents

Hiring an expert lawyer who specializes in limo accidents can help navigate complicated liability issues and determine fair compensation. Whether it is about gathering evidence, providing legal representation, negotiating with the insurance company, or securing your legal rights, you will need an expert attorney.

Safety Measures for Limousine Passengers

Wear seatbelts, regulate the driver to follow the traffic rules, and do background checks on the limo company’s reputation and the driver before renting out the limo.

Reach Out to Experienced Limousine Accident Attorneys

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Two years from the date of the accident.
    As mentioned above, there are still three more potential parties that can be held liable for the accident, if the driver is not at fault.
    Yes, evidence strengthens your claim and helps you secure the compensation you deserve.
    Yes, Kansas City is a no-fault state, which means you can file a claim even if you have partial responsibility for the accident.
    Alternatively, you can file an injury lawsuit.