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Common Causes of Lyft Accidents in Kansas City, Missouri

In Kansas City, the most common cause of car accident with lyft drivers in Kansas City is texting or talking to the passenger during the rid, which leads to distracted driving. Other causes include inexperienced lyft drivers or rash driving. Lyft drivers unfamiliar with the routes often miss bumps or stops on the road where the car is supposed to go slow. Weather conditions also contribute to such accidents when road visibility or navigation becomes difficult for the driver. DUI and drowsy driving can also cause lyft accidents.

Kansas City Lyft Accident Laws

In Kansas City, the lyft accidents follow the “at-fault” laws when the compensation is calculated in the left accidents by Kansas City lyft accident lawyers. It means that the party responsible for the accident pays compensation damages. Missouri laws make it mandatory for lyft drivers to take an insurance policy of at least $1 million. This amount is used for paying damages in the event of an accident.

What to Do as a Passenger in a Lyft Accident

Essential Steps for Drivers in a Lyft Accident

For drivers, it is essential to ensure their safety after the accident by seeking medical attention.
Next, they should report the accident to their company. Lyft has employee accident insurance that covers damages in case of such accidents.
In some cases, the companies also have a legal department that deals with lyft lawsuit settlement claims. You can also hire your lawyer if you are unsatisfied with the in-house lawyers.

Lyft Accident Injuries: What You Need to Know

In a lyft accident, both the driver and the passenger are susceptible to minor injuries such as:

  • Whiplash
  • Bruises
  • Scars
  • Lesions

To major injuries such as:

  • Bone fracture,
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Loss of limb
  • Organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Tissue damage

Compensation for Lyft Accident Injury Lawsuits in Kansas City

You can claim compensation for economic and non-economic damages suffered due to the accident. Consult with a lyft car accident lawyer to pursue all of the damages mentioned below.

Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, property damages suffered due to the accident, etc.

Non-economic damages include the mental torture, pain, and agony suffered by the injured party due to the accident. They may also include compensation for psychological treatment.

Exemplary or punitive damages can also be claimed in certain cases, such as a fine, where the driver has displayed gross negligence of traffic rules, which led to the accident.

Get Legal Help After Lyft Car Accidents in Kansas City

Why Choose Our Kansas City Lyft Accident Attorneys?

Lyft car accident attorneys at Royce Injury are one of the most qualified lawyers in Kansas City. Not only does our law firm have a steady track record with personal injury lawsuits, but our lawyers will also guide you on each step, assisting in consulting, negotiating with the insurance company, filing your lawsuit, and helping you successfully win the compensation you deserve! The testimonies of our clients speak for ourselves.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Yes, if the accident was caused by the driver’s negligence or fault in the car, you can sue the lyft company.
    Yes, if the accident happened due to the driver's fault, you can sue him.
    Ensure medical attention, evidence gathering, and consulting a lyft accident lawyer.
    Both the lyft company and/or the driver can be held liable for the accident.
    You can claim economic (medical bills, financial losses, etc) as well as non-economic (mental distress and agony) compensation as lyft accident settlement amounts.
    The statute of limitation on lyft accident claims in Kansas City is two years from the date of the accident.
    They can provide you with legal assistance in negotiating with the insurance company of the lyft driver or lyft company, as well as give you legal representation in your injury lawsuit to help you reach a lyft personal injury settlement.